Ariane de Rothschild – Ritz de Genève
18 June 2019
Synergies within the Rothschild branches family work at full speed with BdR Champagne. In Champagne partnership with the Ritz Carltons of the world, the Edmond de Rothschild Bank and the Champagnes Barons de Rothschild organized a sumptuous evening at the newly restored Ritz in Geneva for their customers and close friends. Champagne cuvee, Bordeaux wines and Brie de Meaux all stamped with the 5 arrows of the Rothschild family made everyone happy. Ariane de Rothschild radiating sublimated the evening and exchanged with everyone on her group and the Barons de Rothschild champagne for which she is very involved. All of Geneva is still talking about it!