Netherland, Rothschild through Bart distribution
September 2012
Rothschild et la Maison Bart au Pays Bas
Netherland, Rothschild through Bart distribution
Septembre 2012
September 2012

Rothschild et la Maison Bart au Pays Bas, Septembre 2012 : Le Baron Philippe Sereys de Rothschild accompagné de sa fille aînée et de Frédéric Mairesse ont eu le plaisir d’officialiser le lancement de la distribution des champagnes Barons de Rothschild avec la Maison Bart, le 12 Septembre dernier dans le somptueux Hotel Okura au Ciel Bleu, restaurant étoilés au guide Michelin. Un déjeuner et un dîner ont été servis sur un choix de plats remarquablement pensés pour les 3 champagnes accompagnant les plats. Journalistes de la presse nationale, restaurateurs, sommeliers, hommes d’affaires étaient sous le charme des commentaires du Chef sommelier Noël Vanwittenbergh. Henk Bart a expliqué son grand intérêt pour cette nouvelle maison au sein de son portefeuille et Philippe Sereys de Rothschild a présenter aux hôtes, l’histoire de sa Famille au sein de cette belle aventure Champenoise qui a presque 10 ans déjà…
Baron Philippe Sereys de Rothschild accompanied with his elder daughter and with Frédéric Mairesse had the pleasure to launch the distribution of champagnes Barons of Rothschild with the Bart Family. The event took place in the luxurious Hotel Okura at the Ciel Bleu restaurant (two stars Michelin). A lunch and a dinner were served on a choice of dishes outstandingly thought for 3 champagnes accompanying dishes. Journalists of the national press, restaurant owners, Sommeliers, businessmen were under the spell of the comments of the Head Sommelier Noël Vanwittenbergh. Henk Bart explained its enjoyment for this new house within its portfolio and Philippe Sereys de Rothschild has to present and Philippe Sereys de Rothschild has to present to the hosts, the history(story) of his Family within this beautiful adventure inhabitant of the Champagne region who is almost 10 years old already … and Philippe Sereys de Rothschild has to present to the hosts, the story of his Family within this beautiful adventure in Champagne vineyards, who is almost 10 years old already…